Nature Mandala Workshop with Amy Aronstrom

Sanskrit for “circle,” a mandala is a geometric design that represents a journey inward. By slowing down and listening to the voices of nature, we deepen the stillness and clarity of our inner voice. Through the restorative practice of creating nature mandalas, we can gain an opportunity to know ourselves and the healing qualities of mother nature. From the perspective of grief, we take lessons from nature in its cycles of birth, death, and rebirth. Nothing ceases to exist; it simply changes form.

Y12SR with Mari Carpenter

Y12SR combines the practical tools of the 12-step program with the ancient wisdom of yoga. The 12-Step Recovery model approaches addiction at the cognitive level. Created in 1939 by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous, it is the most recognized and pervasive addiction recovery program in the world with millions of practitioners. Transcending alcohol and substance abuse, addiction recovery addresses behaviors such as gambling, overeating, sex and love, shopping, codependency, etc. Addictive behaviors separate and disconnect individuals from themselves, their families, and the their communities. The traditional Yoga practice includes a somatic approach. Yoga itself means union, integration and balance. Combining the two creates a model that truly addresses addiction as the physical, mental and spiritual disease that it is. Y12SR assists people to develop body awareness, to learn to feel what’s going on in their bodies, and to self-regulate.

The format of a Y12SR meeting is a 12-step based discussion and yoga practice that is open to anyone and everyone dealing with their own addictive behavior or affected by the addictive behavior of others. This is an open and inclusive group. All A's are welcome. The yoga asana practice offered is designed to be accessible to all bodies and levels of yoga experience. It is offered as an adjunct — not a replacement — to regular addiction recovery work. The principles of safety and anonymity are upheld by Y12SR. The Y12SR model addresses addiction as a physical, mental and spiritual dis-ease. Y12SR says, “the issues live in our tissues” .

What is the cost?

The $12 suggested donation is collected class participation are divided into thirds between the peer support guide, Mari, Women of the Wild Community and The Washington Area Intergroup Association (WAIA) . WAIA is a service board of representatives from the groups in the Washington Area, including Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties, MD, as well as Washington, DC. Its purpose is service work — to help the groups carry the message on an area-wide basis. Just a few examples are: answering the A.A. telephones, publishing the Where & When, taking meetings to hospitals and institutions, and sponsoring various area events.

Mari Carpenter, is a Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES), a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200), holds a B.S. in Dietetics and a Master's in Public Health (MPH). She works for the government and also provides individual and group health and well-being education, coaching and yoga instruction through her business, Blossom Health and Wellness. Mari's proudest accomplishment is 9 years of continuous sobriety from alcohol and drugs and being an active member of a 12 step program. She is also a peer support guide for the Yoga of 12 Step Recovery (Y12sr). She has experienced many trials and tribulations in her life and wants to help others walk through their life with more compassion and freedom. She lives with her partner and two rescue dogs in Montgomery County, Maryland. She loves spending time with her family and friends, learning, and resting. You can find her on Instagram @blossomhealthandwellness or contact her through her website and

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Forest Photo Therapy with Yuli

You are beautiful. You are divine. You are unique. 

Play in the woods, get one with Nature, have Your  Magic captured. 

$77 for 30 minutes sessions, unlimited photos to choose from, 11 images of your choice edited and retouched, in both high-res and web format

Suggestions: we can play dress up with something that you bring, something of sentimental value or just anything you like - dresses, shawls, flower crowns, wigs, jewelry, staff, magic wand… or, it could be just about You.

I do 1-2 sessions max per retreat, to dive and align and give you full energetic attention. Text me (240) 4212147 with any questions or if you want to reserve your spot in advance.

Artistically yours, Yuli. 

Tarot Counsel Readings with Emma McGonigle

In this 1-hour card reading, we will explore the counsel of the Tarot cards around your question or an area of your life that you want to explore more deeply in a safe and loving container. The cards are brilliant, complex and give space and context for deeper meaning so that you may move forward with more clarity and purpose. Both practical and mystical, my style of reading aims to be grounded and useful to your life as well as illuminate the spiritual and deeper dimension. I invite you into the process through inquiry and invitational language so that the reading lands for you in a way that feels safe and co-created.

Cost: sliding scale $50-$100

artist credit: como el oro :: Instagram @comoeloro

1-on-1 Deep Dive Somatic Session

In this 1 hour session, we will explore your desires and get clear on the specific desire (can be related to sex, love or relationships) to focus on within the container of the session. We will explore pieces and parts of the body-mind that are in resistance or objection to the desire, and lovingly work with what comes up on a somatic level (the body-mind, felt-sense and intuition). Through breathing, moving, speaking and sounding, the work is an embodied and Tantric approach to exploring, understanding, accepting and integrating parts of ourselves and relating to our bodies, including our lower bodies and genitals, in a connected, loving (and sometimes sexy, pleasurable) way. These sessions provide a healing and empowering container with the aim of moving you toward embodying your deepest desires, and highest Truth and Love.

Cost: sliding scale $75-$125

artist credit: como el oro :: Instagram @comoeloro